Scaun Rider maro
Dimensiune (aprox.):
40cm x 40cm x 40cm (LxIxA)
Sunt 96 produse.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
40cm x 40cm x 40cm (LxIxA)
Dimensiune (aprox.):
75cm x 99cm x 108cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 45cm x 45cm x 46cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 76cm
Inaltime cotiera: 25cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
80cm x 40cm x 45cm (LxIxA)
Dimensiune (aprox.):
85cm x 105cm x 90-170cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 53cm x 49cm x 52cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 62cm
Inaltime cotiera: 16cm
More than just furniture, Dodo is a veritable work of art that decorates and embellishes the empty corners of home. Its playful silhouette outlines an engaging interplay of comparisons and contrasts between the armrests and the crest. Provided with a unique design, such armchair enjoys an unconventional arrangement of volumes, thus answering to the call for structural balance and the discovery of uncharted levels of comfort.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
74cm x 74cm x 70cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 49cm x 45cm x 53cm (LxIxA)
Inaltime cotiera: 24cm
Inaltimea spatarului: 32cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
60cm x 75cm x 70cm (LxIxA)
Dimensiune (aprox.):
85cm x 105cm x 90-170cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 53cm x 49cm x 52cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 62cm
Inaltime cotiera: 16cm
By joining the robust roundedness of a soft pouffe with the embracing resolve of a gently padded back, it is possible to appreciate how such an overlooked article may suddenly be transformed into a distinguished piece of furniture. With its structural autonomy, this chair aims to combine volumes and experiment with their possibilities, thus achieving unexpected creative outcomes.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
76cm x 188cm x 82cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 47cm x 43cm x 55cm (LxIxA)
Inaltime cotiera: 19cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
165cm x 97cm x 60cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 60cm x 36cm (LxI)
Inaltimea spatarului: 75cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
76cm x 101cm x 102cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 44cm x 48cm x 44cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 71cm
Inaltime cotiera: 22cm
File down the volume of a colorful and soft cube, to get a comfortable and snug armchair: Kubik is born of geometric architecture, a miniature and cheerful piece of furniture for any home space, whose liveliness is guaranteed by a vast spectrum of colors and an embossed trim.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
80cm x 185cm x 65cm (LxIxA)
Dimensiune (aprox.):
Inaltime: 45 cm
Diametru total: 30cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
76cm x 101cm x 102cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 44cm x 48cm x 44cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 71cm
Inaltime cotiera: 22cm
Thanks to delicate countersunk sides of its upholstery, Leslie is gifted with an air of poised elegance. It reminds of a sophisticated robe, which is sealed by the gentle curve of the armrests, and whose graceful adherence to the seat and the back elements emphasizes a balanced correspondence of shapes.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
77cm x 185cm x 71cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 48cm x 44cm x 55cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 151cm
Inaltime cotiera: 23cm
Dimensiuni (aprox.):
85 cm x 105 cm x 80 cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 50cm x 45cm x 50cm (LxIxA)
Four slender wooden feet gracefully support Adda's seat. This armchair joins together the traditional linear geometry of its back with the dashing bend of its lateral supports. Though mindful of well-established crafting habits, its solid frame gives way to weightless details, which draw on contemporary design.
The embossed contrast trim draws the guidelines of this armchair with a contemporary design, highlighting the depth of its seating and the bold three-dimensionality.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
71cm x 79cm x 72cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 64cm x 43cm x 49cm (LxIxA)
Ofera stil camerei tale cu acest taburet alb din bumbac, tricotat manual. Umplutura cu bile mici din polistiren realizate din EPS confera confortul necesar.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
55cm x 35cm x 55cm (LxIxA)
As if they followed the elongated shape of modern airplane wings, Air's legs divide their fluffy horizon, which is represented by a voluminous seating surface. Such airy a cloud keeps floating upwards, and gradually redesigns its boundaries by boldly drawing curvilinear paths across the sky. This is an armchair that makes rooms look wider, thanks to the weightlessness its very name suggests.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
76cm x 86cm x 75cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 57cm x 32cm x 40cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 49cm
Privè enjoys a high seat, whose circular trajectory imitates and complies with the roundedness of the back. The latter's lateral swing, which is highlighted by a steady and original asymmetry, takes the shape of a soft cocoon. Such fluffy a shield guarantees the resting time will be authentic and private -- while a vortex of softness favours the achievement of a secluded slumber.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
71cm x 79cm x 72cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 64cm x 43cm x 49cm (LxIxA)
Fotoliu, material catifea, bleumarin, lemn, culoare: wenge. Țesătură care împiedică absorbția lichidelor.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
70cm x 35cm x 70cm (LxIxA)
In this armchair of exquisite good taste and appeal, the roundness of the flared base invites the refined back, embellished with two elegant central buttons, to a quiet dance that frames the seating.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
110cm x 75cm x 85cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 55cm x 45cm x 60cm (LxIxA)
By detaching itself from the reserved profile of a typical armchair, Raffaello gracefully unfolds outwards, and abandons itself to the radiant linearity of the seat. The latter is broad and comfortable, let alone decorated by a fine padding; this bon ton bench enjoys classical design and new, unexpected functions: in fact, its comfortable seat hides a handy storage compartment.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
71cm x 79cm x 72cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 64cm x 43cm x 49cm (LxIxA)
Fotoliu relaxant cu design sic si elegant, care adauga o nota moderna decorului dvs. Datorita umpluturii si tapiteriei moale la atingere, va puteti bucura de un confort optim in timpul sederii.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
70cm x 35cm x 70cm (LxIxA)
This armchair speaks of courtesy and politeness. Such mood is highlighted by its half-rounded shape, which authoritatively recalls the ancient royal seats: it is almost a a small-scaled throne. Bangkok stands out thanks to its intangible oriental adornments, but it does not shy away from the challenges of modernity: its broad central seam interrupts the linearity of the back, thus emphasizing its vertical stretch.
Graceful and balanced modular design, this fabric furnished armchair seems to support the compact and gracefully curled padded back on more open and expansive circular base. The relief trim of the seat highlights the significant height of the base.
Fotoliu in stilul anilor '60, elegant si confortabil. Tapiteria este confectionata din microfibra in nuante de gri, iar picioarele din lemn masiv negru.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
65cm x 75cm x 65cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 55cm x 40cm x 45cm (LxIxA)
Fotoliu verde din catifea si lemn de fag Nordic Signal Meble
- Lungime: 76 cm
- Latime: 75 cm
- Inaltime: 90 cm
- Inaltime sezut: 42 cm
- Adancime sezut: 55 cm
Material: catifea din poliester si lemn de fag
Dimensiune (aprox.):
Latime: 50 cm
Inaltime: 35 cm
Fabric furnished armchair with a futuristic profile, Britney favors a circular compositional form, thus freeing itself from the rigidity of traditional squared seating.
The fabric trim emphasizes the ascending rhythm of the padded backrest that incorporates, almost in an embrace, the curved seat. The posture suggested by this armchair is of warm and quiet contemplation.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
80cm x 185cm x 65cm (LxIxA)
Scaun dining alb din lemn Cross Signal Meble
- Lungime: 40 cm
- Latime: 36 cm
- Inaltime: 85 cm
- Inaltime sezut: 45 cm
Material: lemn
Dimensiune (aprox.):
90cm x 77-106cm x 90-160cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 54cm x 50cm x 54cm (LxIxA)
This armchair is small, but its seat is deep and wide. Caroline explores the surrounding environment in a creative and investigative way: it breaks up with the linearity of horizontal planes thanks to its lateral foldings, which are highlighted by the chromatic contrast of the upholstery. The top of its back rail calmly glides towards the edges of the armrests, which will support you with a reassuring embrace.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
85cm x 105cm x 76cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 50cm x 46cm x 52cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 65cm
Inaltimea cotierei: 17cm
Inaltimea picioarelor: 19cm
Much like a gem is mounted on precious jewellery, and thanks to the bright colour of its upholstery, Viky's wide and comfortable seat shines as a luminous heart within a solid case, whose back is elegantly bent. With their placid slopes, its sides culminate with a reassuring horizontal rail; furthermore, the lively pattern of the padded cloth unequivocally establishes how this refined armchair achieves a polished balance of elements.
Dimensiune (aprox.):
80cm x 40cm x 45cm (LxIxA)
Dimensiune (aprox.):
72cm x 97cm x 80cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 45cm x 46cm x 47cm (LxIxA)
Inaltimea spatarului: 60cm
Inaltime cotiera: 24cm
Dimensiune (aprox.):
90cm x 77-106cm x 90-160cm (LxIxA)
Scaun: 54cm x 50cm x 54cm (LxIxA)
Sinuous and fluid volumes, circumscribed by an alternating raised trim, this armchair seems to recall the constant and energetic motion of the deep sea streams, hidden below the calm of the surface.