• Detalii tehnice:
  • Tapiteria este realizata din stofa, fiind partial detasabila.
  • Structura coltarului este complet acoperita cu Tecnoform.
  • Pernele de sezut sunt realizate din spuma poliuretanică nedeformabilă, densitate 30 kg / mc.
  • Spatarul este realizat din spuma poliuretanică nedeformabilă, densitate 25 kg / mc.
  • Picioarele sunt realizate din lemn wenge cu finisaj aluminiu pe margini.
  • Tetierele au mecanism Click, realizat din otel de inalta calitate.
  • Asamblare:
  • Produsul nu este montat. Asamblarea este rapida si usoara, putand fi executata in doar 40-50 minute, pe baza instructiunilor de montaj din colet.
  • Poza de prezentare a coltarului este cu titlu orientativ, produsul este tapitat cu Crystal 534 cusatura 5400
2-er sofa
Sofas Graffiti 2-er sofa
Width: 179cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,56 m³
Weight: 61kg

3-er sofa
Sofas Graffiti 3-er sofa
Width: 199cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,73 m³
Weight: 68kg
3-er maxi sofa
Sofas Graffiti 3-er maxi sofa
Width: 219cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,90 m³
Weight: 75kg
2-er lateral element
Sofas Graffiti 2-er lateral element
Width: 153cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,33 m³
Weight: 52kg
3-er lateral element
Sofas Graffiti 3-er lateral element
Width: 173cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,50 m³
Weight: 59kg
3-er maxi lateral element
Sofas Graffiti 3-er maxi lateral element
Width: 193cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,67 m³
Weight: 66kg
1-er lateral element
Sofas Graffiti 1-er lateral element
Width: 90cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,80 m³
Weight: 32kg
2-er sofa with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 2-er sofa with sliding seats
Width: 179cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,56 m³
Weight: 67kg
3-er sofa with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 3-er sofa with sliding seats
Width: 199cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,73 m³
Weight: 74kg
3-er maxi sofa with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 3-er maxi sofa with sliding seats
Width: 219cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,90 m³
Weight: 81kg
2-er lateral element with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 2-er lateral element with sliding seats
Width: 153cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,33 m³
Weight: 58kg
3-er lateral element with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 3-er lateral element with sliding seats
Width: 173cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,58 m³
Weight: 65kg
3-er maxi lateral element with sliding seats
Sofas Graffiti 3-er maxi lateral element with sliding seats
Width: 193cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,58 m³
Weight: 72kg
1-er lateral element with sliding seat
Sofas Graffiti 1-er lateral element with sliding seat
Width: 90cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,58 m³
Weight: 35kg
Chaise Longue
Sofas Graffiti Chaise Longue
Width: 100cm
Depth: 166cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,90 m³
Weight: 47kg
Square corner maxi
Sofas Graffiti Square corner maxi
Width: 110cm
Depth: 110cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,01 m³
Weight: 26kg
Lateral angular element
Sofas Graffiti Lateral angular element
Width: 104cm
Depth: 224cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 1,92 m³
Weight: 67kg
1-er central element
Sofas Graffiti 1-er central element
Width: 64cm
Depth: 105cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,58 m³
Weight: 23kg
1-er central element with sliding seat
Sofas Graffiti 1-er central element with sliding seat
Width: 64cm
Depth: 105-135cm
Height: 78-99cm
Volume: 0,58 m³
Weight: 26kg
Sofas Graffiti Footstool
Width: 74cm
Depth: 84cm
Height: 44cm
Volume: 0,30 m³
Weight: 14kg

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